1. The #MVWRaceSeries is one of the oldest series in the U.S. Dating back to 1969, the Wheelmen have been throwing down with a weeknight racing series. 2. We keep entry fees low. Want to race your bike? 8 dollars. Are you new or did you forget your wallet? We’ll cover your entry. 3. Most weeknight series are held at the same location every week (yawn). Our series features Time Trials, Road Races, Criteriums, and even a mini-omnium held at the Toledo Speedway. 4. Switching it up. Not only does the series offer different road disciplines, but up to 10 different venues per season. 5. Criterium practice. We have a closed Criterium course that has 10 turns per lap! That is 400 turns in 90 minutes! 6. #MVWRaceSeries has three skill levels of racing. Beginner or expert, we have a race for you. 7. The wheelmen are proud to have Rolf Dietrich, of Rolf Prima Wheels fame, as a long time member. In the early 90's, Rolf used the Wheelmen Racing Series as a proving ground for his paired spoke technology.
8. Over the last couple years, we have featured an Ohio vs. Michigan race, allowing racers from different teams, but the same state to work together for bragging rights. 9. Volunteers. To keep entry fees down, club members volunteer to work races, and the designated race director can offer primes and other twists to keep it interesting! 10. The Club Championship is crowned by taking a rider's best 12 races across the 20 race series. The award is engraved with the champion's name and stays with the current club Champ until the next season. It's like the Stanley Cup of bike racing. Not only do we crown a Club Champion, but we also recognize a Women’s Champion, Sprint Champion, Time Trial Champion, and Most Improved Rider. Awards are presented at the annual club banquet at the Maumee Bay Brewing Company. |